Welcome! You’re probably here because you want to find ways to heal your body naturally - not those chemically heavy ointments and Advils that merely hides the symptoms (and gives you side effects) but the cause. Well, you are in the exact right place to start learning about how you can use a simple ingredient that may be hiding in your kitchen cabinet to reduce symptoms and pick up good habits to prevent getting sick in the first place by knowing your tendencies and inclinations that are specific to your body type and your life style. I’m not suggesting a big life change; it’s merely a nudge towards a healthier choices that will continue to gain momentum like an avalanche. Remember this: Big changes has to always start with small changes to be sustainable and be long term. My boxing coach would tell me that to perfect a skill in the ring, one must practice righteous repetition outside of the ring. If you are curious about learning more of this concept of habit making, I’d suggest reading Atomic Habits by James Clear and Essential Zen Habits: Mastering the Art of Change, Briefly by Leo Babauta. 


Traditionally Ayurveda is not a practice restricted to certain food types, however I have a long history of studying intensively on diets that have tested and worked to be true to improve health qualities across the globe, which has led to me believe that a plant based diet is the healthiest diet for humans. Although I will give recommendations that will be only plant based, I also will not tell you to entirely stop consuming animal derived foods, because I believe that for one to improve their own quality of life, it must take incremental changes and lifestyle over a long period. as my coach says, you cannot become “zero to hero” overnight. 


So if you’ve decided that you want to learn more about how we can work together - how does it work? 

First, you will fill out a questionnaire that asks a basic history of yourself; family history of disease, your basic medicinal history of past and present, a typical daily schedule, and the fun part is about assessing your dosha, which is your body type. Next, I take your pulse which tells me what imbalances you may be experiencing. And lastly, I give you a digital packet of suggestions for food and life style that will be tailored to your dosha. Sounds good? Have any questions? Send me an email to and I will happily answer any concerns you have. I look forward to helping you move through this journey of self-healing!


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